Solar Calculator

Solar Calculator

  • Calculate your Electricity Use
  • Based On Availability of Shadow free Area
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Calculate Your Electricity Use


I want to know how much electricity I am using in day by using different appliance of Different power Rating


SR.NO Appliance Name Power Rating (Watt) Number of Appliences Hours of Use (Hrs) Total (Watt)
1. LED Tube Light 20 5 4 400
2. LED Tv 100 1 5 500
3. Fan 80 2 5 800
4. Freezer 200 1 24 2400
5. Laptop 60 1 5 300
6. Total 4400
7. = 4.4 KWhr


THIS 4400/1000=4.4 KWh ( Daily)

So monthaly  electricity consumption is :- 4.4*30=132 KWhr ( Units)

2) Based on availability of Shadow free Area